BOC Meeting 18.1.23 - Conservation Value of Ringing by Rob Robinson

Описание к видео BOC Meeting 18.1.23 - Conservation Value of Ringing by Rob Robinson

Each year ringers mark over 1 million birds, but what does all this effort tell us? With astonishing results coming thick and fast from ever more technological devices, surely the humble ring, in use for over 100 years, has had its day? Drawing on the latest research from BTO and others, Rob hopes to convince you otherwise. That in fact ringing, taken together with data from other BTO schemes, is in fact vital in understanding why and how bird populations change and hence in formulating effective conservation action.

Rob is one of the senior scientists of the British Trust for Ornithology and provides strategic leadership and co-ordination of research across BTO as a whole. Much of his recent work at BTO has focused on combining data from the Ringing and Nest Record schemes, to help understand the reasons for population declines.

Unfortunately, there was a problem with the sound on this recording. We apologise for this and hope that you are still able to understand and enjoy it.

This BOC Indoor Meeting was held both at the University of Reading and on Zoom on 18th January 2023. If you are not a member of the Berkshire Ornithological Club, you can find out more about us at Please consider joining and/or making a donation.


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