Yoth Iria - Catch Up, Alcatraz 2023

Описание к видео Yoth Iria - Catch Up, Alcatraz 2023

Here is our catch up interview with Jim Mutilator from ‪@yothiria‬. We talked with Jim about the new stuff the band is currently working on. Some secrets were unravelled, others where kept...

00:00 - Intro video
00:20 - Introduction
02:16 - About Grand Magus leaving the band
04:50 - New Music Video
05:24 - Being back on the road
07:13 - About touring
08:17 - Random Question: If you can write your own law that everyone should follow, what would it be?

Previous interview with Jim & The Magus:    • Yoth Iria Sneak Peek  

For the performance on Alcatraz see our Playlist:
   • Yoth Iria Live Coverage - Alcatraz 20...  

We have been part of Yoth Iria crew for one day, our photographer ‪@goldendragon.‬ greatly captured this on:
  / goldendragon.photo  
  / goldendragon.photo  

Videos by MAIr:
  / mairwork  
  / mair.work  

Special thanks to Yoth Iria's manager Nik for invite and this fantastic opportunity and of course the band for letting us being part of the crew for a day 🖤

#dmetalgalaxy #dmetalgalaxypromotions #yothiria #press #YothIria #yothiriacrew #Jimmutilator #blackmetal #blackmetalmusic #greekmetal #hellenicmetal #hellenicscene #Alcatraz2023 #magicfreedom #blackmetalband


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