WCW/nWo Revenge - Beta vs. Final Comparison

Описание к видео WCW/nWo Revenge - Beta vs. Final Comparison

Comparing the final release version of WCW/nWo Revenge to it's many beta versions. This video contains lots of differences, from character faces, names, attires, entrances, costume change mode and more. WCW/nWo Revenge Beta.

Revenge was the last AKI-developed WCW game for the Nintendo 64. The next WCW game released for the Nintendo 64 was a version of THQ's earlier WCW Nitro. The next AKI wrestling game released for the console, WWF WrestleMania 2000 sported THQ's newly acquired World Wrestling Federation license.

#n64 #wcwnworevenge #thq #nintendo64


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