Ben Hogan / SLOW-MOTION Swing Training Drill / Hogan's Secret? 🤔

Описание к видео Ben Hogan / SLOW-MOTION Swing Training Drill / Hogan's Secret? 🤔

• SLOW-MOTION practice was/is a training method used by Ben Hogan and a number of top golfers from past and present time. Ben Hogan is the most vivid and documented example, so it is not wrong if we now call it Ben Hogan's SLOW-MOTION Drill. I've included the only four (4) remaining pieces of footage showing Ben Hogan demonstrating his Slow-Motion drill...
• This SLOW-MOTION drill ties in perfectly to Tai Chi and is a wonderful way to practice because it makes you immediately aware of your body movements. Like Tai Chi it helps you sense areas of tension or "Chi blockage" in your swing. It makes you keenly aware of how your golf swing movements flow together.
• Learn the way that many great masters and teachers in various disciplines recommend we learn things, the way they developed their amazing skill. It is astounding to discover that, at root, they all eventually excelled in their art using this same approach, and this has been used for centuries in martial arts, in fencing, and, in the post-modern era, in a variety of sports. It is known as the slow motion practice method
• One of the ladies present at that time asks, ‘Benny, why are swinging so slow?’ Hogan replied, ‘At this pace, I can control the golf club and everything in my swing. Whenever I am working on something, I always do it in slow motion. That way I can monitor what I am doing.’”


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