These 7-minute stretches are best to relieve anxiety and stress and the video also includes positive affirmations to stay present! This is a full-body stretching routine!
Whenever you feel stressed, anxious, or overwhelmed, give this stretching routine a try! It’s important to stop doing whatever you are doing when you are in one of those states. Remember that YOU have control over how you feel and that by simply taking this breath, you can
completely change how you feel about the situation.
This is a full-body stretching routine with some affirmations about how you can change
your state towards a more positive, loving, and accepting one. The only thing you can get
out of feeling stressed and anxious is suffering. Do you want to feel that way? What if
you could feel happy instead? Most of us would prefer to be happy than annoyed!
You can do this routine whenever you want and as many times as you need in a week!!
For more relaxing stretching routine, checkout my stretching challenge here:
00:00 Intro
01:05 Stretching Routine
08:18 Outro
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DISCLAIMER: note that you should always consult your health physician before you perform any form of exercise, including this video. Furthermore, the title of this video is subjective and results vary depending on your body type and nutrition practices. I strongly suggest to make sure you check your form for each exercise with a certified trainer and you follow a meal plan to get to your weight loss goals. Perform this workout in a safe space. If you really want to challenge yourself and see results in 2 weeks make sure you are consistent and perform this workout 4-5 times per week over the next 2 weeks! Please remember that abs are also build in the kitchen and that you should be on a healthy balanced diet for ultimate results! You might build your abs but if there’s always a layer of fat from unhealthy habits, you might not see them!
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