IIT Madras BS vs IIT Jodhpur BS 🕊️|| Pros. & Cons. || Detailed comparison

Описание к видео IIT Madras BS vs IIT Jodhpur BS 🕊️|| Pros. & Cons. || Detailed comparison

"Hey everyone! Welcome back to our channel. Today, we're diving into a detailed comparison between the BS degree programs offered by two of India's prestigious institutes:

IIT Jodhpur and IIT Madras.

Whether you're a prospective student or just curious, stay tuned to find out which program might be the best fit for you.

Let's get started!" 🔭

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~Check this playlist for IIT Madras BS Degree placement details -:🥳
   • IITM BS [Internship/ Placement] 💰  

‪@Shubh_IIT_Madras‬ ‪@Formula_Machine_IIT_Madras‬

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