Homelessness of the Deora family. And preparing to sell the dilapidated house to buy land

Описание к видео Homelessness of the Deora family. And preparing to sell the dilapidated house to buy land

Hello, please stay with us until the end of the video.
Nemat prepared to sell the house by collecting the scraps of the dilapidated house. This family was displaced by an incredible event
Selling the dilapidated house can distance Rafiq Hojjat from this family
Nemat intends to sell her car so that she can buy residential land for the Deora family in the future
Please increase unity and share this video. We are building a house for this family. This family deserves the best building.

#giving birth #puppy #Dog giving birth #Dog

#NatureConnection #HandmadeBread

#Flavorful Cheeses #LocallySourced

#GastronomicAdventure #SimplePleasures

#NomadicLifestyle #SharedMeal

#UnforgettableExperience #IranianNomads

#MountainRetreat #TraditionalFood #RusticSpread

#SereneAmbiance #Storytelling


rice#twin #Nemat #fatima #soraya #jeni #Hoosin #NomadicLife #Familyties #nomadicreunion #IntenseDrama #peren #taraz #doora #chendar #farewell #oghab #Dria #chaver #deoora #plerd #MountainHome #nomadic #deora #ROD #perk #daral #chavil #homeless #homelessness #displaced #nomadicromance #nomads #grandma #tragicincident #deoora-Ly7hs #Nemat #fatima #jeni #soraya#Hoosin #deoora-Ly7hs #fertility #Baby #River #becoming #father #twins#tow woman #peren


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