Paranormal Investigation At The Abandoned Victorian Beer House Come Farm House, Ribchester.

Описание к видео Paranormal Investigation At The Abandoned Victorian Beer House Come Farm House, Ribchester.

Welcome to my video. Here I give a paranormal investigation a go in the abandoned victorian beer come farmhouse, Ribchester. Back in 1862 this place was a beer house called the joiners arms and was run by a lady named Anne Walne. While I was doing the investigation I got the surname mixed up thinking it was Waine, although if Anne was present I think she would have guessed it was herself I was asking over. One night back in that year of 1862 Anne was found by two local chaps in one of the bedrooms, her lifeless body tied to a chair and severely beaten. Apparently there are folk who claim to have seen the spirit of Anne roaming around the farm and surrounding area. I enjoyed this investigation and plan to return at some point as I feel it has more to give. Enjoy.


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