Daishi Hoshi's Dharma talk, “Placebo Zen & Real Liberation,” August 25, 2024

Описание к видео Daishi Hoshi's Dharma talk, “Placebo Zen & Real Liberation,” August 25, 2024

The Village Zendo's virtual zendo is privileged to present, “Placebo Zen & Real Liberation,” a dharma talk in which Daishi Hoshi explores how placebo science and the power of context can help us to enter Vimalakirti’s teaching of non-duality.

The Village Zendo is a community of people who come together to practice in the Soto Zen tradition. Based in downtown New York City, we offer zazen (sitting meditation), one-on-one instruction with a teacher, dharma talks, chanting services, retreats, workshops and study groups.

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