Panzer Dragoon Saga Review for the Sega Saturn

Описание к видео Panzer Dragoon Saga Review for the Sega Saturn

This is it everyone, by far the most requested video I've had since starting these retro Saturn reviews. Panzer Dragoon Saga was released on April 30th, 1998, the same year that Metal Gear Solid and Ocarina of Time were released. It has been called one of the greatest RPGs of all time, but the real question on everyone's mind is, should I spend $500,000 on it? While I can't really answer that for you, I hope this video clearly shows enough of the game to give you a clear idea if this is an RPG you should be interested in.

Sadly the only way people are likely to ever experience the game is by playing it on the Saturn as the original source code has apparently been lost. If that is indeed true, it means for all you English speaking folks out there the only way to play this game outside of emulation is to pick up a $200 copy from eBay. Let me know if this review has turned you off from doing that, or if you decide to jump on it right away. I'd be really interested in hearing what you have to say.

As always, thanks for watching.


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