22 Things You're Doing WRONG with Divi!

Описание к видео 22 Things You're Doing WRONG with Divi!

I will show you 22 things that almost ALWAYS go wrong while building a Divi website. This video makes sure YOU don't make the same mistakes!
👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻 Start here 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻

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I want you to succeed with your website, so lets get started.

0:00 22 Things You're Doing WRONG with Divi! - Intro

0:40 #1 Adding code to your header (like Google Analytics)
1:41 #2 Optimizing for mobile devices
3:58 #3 Different ways of viewing in the builder
5:35 #4 Create a Mega Menu without a plugin
8:08 #5 Changing layout of text with WP

10:15 #6 Using Preset Styles
11:42 #7 Naming modules / sections / rows
13:26 #8 Using the Theme Builder
15:25 #9 Widen the rows
16:29 #10 Setting typography

17:22 #11 Placing the Google Maps module
18:44 #12 Using the Color Palette
19:48 #13 Site language
20:43 #14 Give posts a different layout than pages
22:33 #15 The 404 page

23:22 #16 Use the Classic builder without plugin
24:06 #17 Where to add CSS
26:01 #18 Discount on your lifetime license

#Divi #WordPress

27:12 #19 Using global modules
29:40 #20 Use the Divi Support Center

31:34 #21 Keyboard shortcuts
33:41 #22 Speed up Divi

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Hey guys! Its the WPress Doctor here, and this video is one of the best videos that will help you out with your Divi workflow. If you're building your website with Divi, than chances are 90% that you didn't know all of these awesome features that is in this great great great builder. I've been building Divi websites since 2014, and I see these things always going wrong with my clients. I really know this video is going to help you out to boost your productivity, to decrease your frustration and to help you create the best Divi website available. So let's start with number one.

So if you want to add a code to your header, you don't need any plugin to add a code. Just go to 'Divi' - 'Theme options'. Then you go to 'Integration'. And on the integration tab, you can add easily any code you would like. For example: the Google Analytics code. Now it says "Good for tracking code such as Google Analytics" in the body, but no! You need to place it in the head. Because that is what Google says itself: "Copy and paste this code as the first item into the HEAD of every webpage you want to track." So you can place your Google Code and anything here. Just press 'Enabled', and now the code is working when you save the changes. Also if you want to add a code to the body. You can add it right here. And in the top of your posts so only the posts - not the pages, you can place it here and also at the bottom, before the comments. It's very useful, so now you know you never need a plugin for your header and footer code. Just place them in - right here.

So as your visitors will grow you will notice in your Google Analytics that a lot of visitors will be coming with their mobile devices. That's why it's very important to optimize your pages for mobile. This is very easy to do. You just press on this menu, and you go on this 'Phone view' button. As you can see the entire page changes right now, and you can select your phone right here, which you want to use to optimize. You also notice that there is a fold down there. Below this line, people need to scroll the page to see the rest of your website. All right. So as we can see now the header is just ugly, but it's just an example. So when you want to change for example this text on mobile, just press the gear icon, and you can press this one. It has already selected the phone automatically. So now you can change this text for mobile devices only. And now when we switch back to a iPad, you will see that the text has just been changed back. And now when we go to our desktop view, we'll see that the text also has not changed. And you can also do this with a lot of things. Not only just for the text. Let's go over here. You can also do this for example the colors. If you switch to mobile I want it to be blue on mobile. I want it to be a little bit bigger on mobile. So I don't want to make it bigger on our desktop and on tablet. I really want to make it this size, I can read it all -so let's go to spacing and let's add a little bit of margin right there on the top, only oh, only of course for tablet. And for desktop I don't want any spacing right there so I'm going to remove it. On tablet I want 50px and on mobile...

📖 Read the rest of the transcript at https://wpressdoctor.com/divi/22-thin...


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