Large Format Photo Paper Reversal Prints, how to develop them on-site

Описание к видео Large Format Photo Paper Reversal Prints, how to develop them on-site

I’d like to share how I create a positive reversal print on-site from large format photographic paper, initially shot as a paper negative. My specific process is to develop in a cibachrome tube but the same process can be used in trays under a safelight. The fun is watching that final developing step in broad daylight 🥰

For each step in my process, I’m using 140ml of solution or water. My specific steps are as follows:

Develop the paper negative in Ilford Multigrade Developer at 1+9 for 2 minutes
Wash with water 2x for 30 seconds each
Bleach with the hydrogen peroxide/EDTA solution for 6 minutes
Wash with water for 30 seconds
Clear the negative for 90 seconds
Wash with water 3x for 30 seconds each
Develop the bleached (clear or almost clear) negative in light

I use my developer for 5 8x10 negatives before considering it exhausted
The bleach solution seems to work for 10 8x10 negatives before it no longer fully clears the negative
The clearing solution seems to work for 6-7 8x10 negatives but I usually use it 5 and then replace it at the same time as the developer

The Photrio article I mention with the 3% hydrogen peroxide bleach can be found at the following URL. Please note you need an account and needt to be logged in to view the forum post.


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