General Hospital 05/12/06~ JaSam: I Love You Sam!

Описание к видео General Hospital 05/12/06~ JaSam: I Love You Sam!

I really miss this guy where is he! Alexis stops the operation by telling Patrick that she has all the rights as her mother! Jason and Alexis argue about it again! While Noah and Patrick argue! Jason offers extra money to Patrick to operate but says to help his money because he's willing to risk jail time to show he will do the operation right! While Alexis sits by Sam's bedside Epiphany tells her Sam a CAT scan! Then Alexis asks what's taking so long she realizes that's not Sam lying on the table! While the real Sam is headed into surgery Patrick tells Jason to act like he pulled a gun on him and forced him to perform the surgery then tells Sam that she would be laughing knowing how many rules they had to break to get it done! Then while their song plays Jason says he loves Sam! Alexis shows up and tells Jason they better stop it but he tells her they already started and she said if Sam dies she would put Jason away for murder! Clips/Credit go to Geena at Hella Good


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