Can millennials actually change the world? | Daphne Pariser | TEDxAllendaleColumbiaSchool

Описание к видео Can millennials actually change the world? | Daphne Pariser | TEDxAllendaleColumbiaSchool

Humans are facing some of the most challenging problems in history: famine, poverty, global climate change, overpopulation, and the list goes on. Humans are famously known for their ability to critically think and solve problems in a complex way to create simple solutions, which is what separates us from other animals. What if this attribute could be used in addressing global issues like poverty? My talk is centered around the idea of using simple solutions to an incredibly complex human problem- poverty. Understanding the data surrounding this enormous problem can help us get to the core of the issue and create solutions that are easy-to-use and sustainable over time. One of the underlying issues to poverty is lack of quality education, and the underlying issue with that is lack of funding. If every child could simply get an extra year of primary education, it would increase their potential income by 8%, each year helping them climb out of poverty. But how do we help solve the enormous problem of funding? The answer is simple, and it comes from the villages that deal with these problems. Instead of creating a solution, we went out to communities where there was no funding for schools and asked what their answer was to the problem; it was to build small, sustainable businesses for the schools so that the income would cover all operating costs. This solution was only achievable by first listening to the people who were most intimate with the problem and then creating a simple solution. Since then this solution has seen an 11% increase in enrollment at our schools. We have bought and sold over 470 animals (our small business at each school) to help create a total profit of $33,610.00 for our schools. In 2018, we generated 48% more money with our small businesses than in 2017. Solutions to complex human issues can be simple. Listen first, look at the data, and create something that is simple to use and long-lasting. As a 10-year-old I had the opportunity to visit Kenya on safari, but when I arrived I was shocked by the lack of available medical care and the normalcy of poverty that was all too familiar for these people. Privately, our tour guide would explain the shortfalls of the Kenyan government and expressed the importance of a good education. He showed me that my citizenship gives me a unique opportunity to have an effect on my own government and positively affect those outside of our borders. I believe that this influence and power to effect change lies within us and we have the freedom and ability to decide how we will use it. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at


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