Compulsive Caregiving, Overfunctioning, Codependency & Nice Guy/Good Girl Syndrome

Описание к видео Compulsive Caregiving, Overfunctioning, Codependency & Nice Guy/Good Girl Syndrome

-Roots, Common Traits & Healing From Invisible Sources of Chronic Stress

If you don’t identify with one of the labels in the title, you likely know someone who does. As with all labels, however, they don’t completely define us. Those of us who have these patterns are not the same, nor struggle to the same extent. Still, this psychological construct has been repeatedly recognized in the mental health field. Perhaps because it is so common, you won’t find it included as a condition or personality disorder in the DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Health Disorders). Nonetheless, this way of being in the world can be painful and stressful. At the very least, these tendencies can keep us from enjoying the full potential of our lives.

In this episode, I discuss:

Overlapping definitions from attachment theory, family systems theory and 12-step programs
Common early experiences
Cultural messages
Suspected genetic variants
Difficulties with boundaries
Communication style
Common behaviors
Common emotions
Education and resources
Parenting our inner child

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