Pezzolato TLC 1.100 - Angelini Truck and Wood

Описание к видео Pezzolato TLC 1.100 - Angelini Truck and Wood

TLC 1.100. In this specific case, the machine mainly produces firewood for pizzerias (smaller than domestic ones), from logs of medium-large diameter (up to 440 mm in diameter). This plant, in consideration of the production needs, has been customized by adding an additional “ST triple log splitter” to the integrated log splitter, which allows a single operator to triple productivity. The triple log splitter, presented to the market during the EIMA 2022 fair, is equipped with three independent loading hoppers. The operator can simultaneously load and split pieces of wood with different dimensions inside the loading hoppers, reducing the times of processing and consequently increasing productivity exponentially.

La macchina, in questo specifico caso, produce prevalentemente legna da ardere per le pizzerie (taglio più piccolo di quello domestico), a partire da tronchi di diametro medio-grande (fino a 440 mm di diametro). Questo impianto, in considerazione delle esigenze produttive, è stato personalizzato aggiungendo allo spaccalegna integrato un ulteriore spaccalegna “ST a tre vie”, che permette a un unico operatore di triplicare la produttività.


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