Emetophobia & Health Anxiety: The Fears Of Getting Sick: The Speakmans Share Tips + A Recovery Story

Описание к видео Emetophobia & Health Anxiety: The Fears Of Getting Sick: The Speakmans Share Tips + A Recovery Story

Do you have a phobia of vomit, or ill health? Does it dominate your life, and destroy your #happiness?

Are you exhausted from constantly being on high alert? Do you obsessively #worry, scan & #catastrophise, and now #panic about panicking?

Do you wonder how to overcome your #phobia? Live free of #fear? And question; is it even possible?

If you’re sick of fearing sick, and sick of hiding away and living in fear, this episode is a must.

As well as sharing an abundance of tips, help and advice, today’s guest shares her journey to complete and full recovery from her complex vomit phobia (known as #emetophobia). Charlotte tells us how after 27 years she’s finally free, happy, and no longer lives in fear.

This episode really is a must listen for anyone who is fed up with their phobia, anyone wondering about The Speakmans' phobia approach, and anyone who needs a boost of hope that no matter who you are, and no matter what you struggle with, you really can get better.


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