MOCOM 2020 - The Future of Mobile Media and Communication

Описание к видео MOCOM 2020 - The Future of Mobile Media and Communication

Futurist Keynote Speaker and Thought Leader Monty Metzger had been leading this open future research project.

SIMYO and Ahead of Time presents the future of mobile media and communication - Mobile Future 2020. Mobile Future 2020 was a crowdsourced research project on a global level. Over 300 experts from 50 countries have collaborated to develop a future vision. How will mobile disrupt industries, change our daily life and transform businesses.
This film is presenting a summary of key result of the open think tank MOCOM 2020.

Although this future research has been done in 2008 and was published in early 2009, it's very accurate and the future predictions are now even more relevant than before.

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