Bronzite Meaning Benefits and Spiritual Properties

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0:00 - Let's Get Started
0:33 - Physical Energy Properties of Bronzite
0:50 - Emotional Properties of Bronzite
1:18 - The Chakras Associated with Bronzite
1:24 - The Astrological Signs Connected to Bronzite
1:28 - Where is Bronzite Found?
1:43 - Variations of Bronzite
2:26 - How to Use Bronzite in Crystal Healing?

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Bronzite Meaning and Spiritual Properties

A striking stone formed by a mixture of Silica and Iron. Bronzite is one of three stones in the family of Pyroxenes. The other members of this family include Hypersthene and Enstatite. Bronzite is formed by the weathering of Enstatite and Hypersthene so can’t exist without them.

Physical Energy Properties: Bronzite is good for pH balance and reducing acidity in the body. It also helps with iron absorption and the production of red blood cells and hemoglobin. This stone is beneficial for those who are anemic or who have cancer.

Emotional Energy Properties: Provides you with courage and strength in making your own path in life. It also helps with decision making and feeling through the pros and cons. Useful for diving into the heart of an emotional pain to bring emotions to the surface to be felt and released from the body.

Chakras: Related to the Heart chakra.

Astrological signs: Connected to Leo.

History: There is not a lot of history on Bronzite or it’s sibling stones Enstatite and Hypersthene.

Where it's found: Found in Brazil, Austria, England, India, South Africa, Greenland, Norway, Sweden and in the United States.

Variations, Rarity and Value: Bronzite is formed by the weathering of Enstatite and Hypersthene when elements such as rain and wind break the crystals down. Some of the Magnesium in these crystals is replaced by Iron, Hematite and Goethite resulting in a dark stone with golden streaks or specks. The finest Bronzite pieces will have the chatoyancy effect known as cats eye. Bronzite is also classified as Ferroan Enstatite but it’s physically closer to Hypersthene. It’s a stone that’s easily found making it quite affordable. It looks beautiful in jewellery too.

How to use it: Hold a piece of Bronzite as you’re making a decision to help you weight the pros and cons. Keep with you to maintain a balanced pH balance. Hold or wear as you’re going through emotionally difficult times and as you express your emotions.


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