Thomas J. Bouchard, Jr.: "Zwillingsforschung"

Описание к видео Thomas J. Bouchard, Jr.: "Zwillingsforschung"

Thomas J. Bouchard, Jr. (Director of the Minnesota Center for Twin and Adoption Research, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, USA):

„If human clones were ever born, how closely would they resemble their parents on psychological traits? An extravagant amount of speculation has been generated on this question when in fact there is directly relevant data. Studies of adult human twins, reared apart and reared together provide a pertinent benchmark for answering the question. My lecture will answer this question by discussing the degree and type of genetic and environmental influences that shape the major human psychological traits ordinarily studied by individual difference psychologists (mental abilities, personality, psychological interests and social attitudes). Confirmatory and disconfirmatory evidence from other types of research (adoption and family studies) will also be incorporated into the discussion in order to demonstrate that most of the conclusions that can be drawn from twin research are generalizable to the larger population of singletons.“

Vortrag, gehalten am 29. Januar 1998 in der Carl Friedrich von Siemens Stiftung. Der Abend wurde geleitet von Prof. Dr. Norbert Bischof.

Das Video wurde produziert von der Tele-Akademie ( Erstausstrahlung: 18. April 1999. © SWR / Thomas J. Bouchard, Jr.

Die Carl Friedrich von Siemens Stiftung dankt der Tele-Akademie und insbesondere Monika Presting.


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