TOURNAMENT CHAMPION!!! :,D (Run and Gun, FN Fal)

Описание к видео TOURNAMENT CHAMPION!!! :,D (Run and Gun, FN Fal)

Additional Notes

-On my first try, on the second day of the tournament, I scored only about 49,000+ points. On my second try, I reached 179,790 points, slightly surpassing my own previous record of 174,690 points. It helped that in my second try, No Vomitrons spawned. Unlike other times, I didn’t feel very stressed out and I was able to play calmly. I usually die not very long after beating the previous high score, but this time, I kept my composure and kept playing and decided I would beat my previous tournament high score. Unlike other times, the tournament did not end as I was playing. When I was finished playing, there were still about 40 minutes left before the tournament ended.

-This was my second time winning a Run and Gun tournament with the FN Fal.

-This was my 8th tournament victory in the Zen arena.

-This was my 13th victory in a Run and Gun Tournament.

-This was my 15th tournament victory overall.


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