3D METALLIC BLOB QUADRIPTYCH Acrylic Painting tutorial recipe plus hints & tips for success

Описание к видео 3D METALLIC BLOB QUADRIPTYCH Acrylic Painting tutorial recipe plus hints & tips for success

I LOVE THIS!!! And I learnt so much. Come and see this 4 panel quadriptych created using my own BLOB recipe and I will talk you through some hints and tips to get there. The BLOB technique is what ‪@MasseArtStudio‬ will be teaching in Seattle at the https://www.fluidartexperience.com

The TLP I used today was cappuccino and it was stunning. You can get your TLP's at https://www.fluid-art.co

Let’s do this!!! The Fluid Art Experience - Learn Live & Be Inspired April ‘23 is now available for sale and the location this time … SEATTLE. That’s right, you asked for the West Coast and so we are traveling.

The line up for April will be …
Resident Artist - COZ Creations
Resident Artist - Pieces of Tara Artistry
Resident Artists - Masse Art Studio
Resident Artist - Mixed Media Girl
Returning Artist - sarataylor.modernart
Returning Artist - Kanella Ciraco Art
Returning Artist - Jessica Winter Strom
Returning Artist - Garrick Brown Art Studio
Returning Artist - ColesColor
New to the Experience - Gina DeLuca
Guest Artist - Britt Clayton Design
Our wonderful sponsors are back and we promise that the This Little Piggy concierge service offered for the very 1st time in Dallas in November will be even bigger and better.
What are you waiting for?
GET THOSE TICKETS NOW! - https://www.fluidartexperience.com

If you would like to follow Jeremy on his Crochet channel please click here -    / @crochetcomegethooked  

COLLABORATE ..... CELEBRATE ...... COMMUNITY - Those are the 3C's we have always upheld from our very 1st episode on our channel. We shout out, we give credit, we acknowledge, we collaborate and we uplift everyone we can in our wonderful community.

What are Masse Art Studio going to be teaching at the Fluid Art Experience? Marble pours, Leaky Cup pours, Marbling Techniques, Split Cup pours and BLOB paintings. We cant wait to showcase these techniques and teach you live and in person in Dallas, Texas. Will we see you there?

Sponsors pages -
https://www.fluid-art.co - Platinum Sponsor

To reserve the rooms at the hotel using the $211 group discounted room rate please click the link here - https://www.marriott.com/event-reserv...

Have you seen The 'Leaky Cup'?? All you need to do to get your hands on one of The 'Leaky Cups' is visit https://www.masseartstudio.com and you will be able to purchase directly from the site for $24.95 which includes postage within the US and handling too!

WANT SOME MASSE MERCH .... well here it is with lots more to come.

To join our Patreon account and enjoy exclusive member perks please follow this link -   / masseartstudio  

10% OFF Promo Code: MasseArtStudio10
Check out their youtube channel for some inspiration:

Arteza website:
for US customers: https://arteza.com/?utm_source=postaf...
for UK customers: https://arteza.co.uk/?utm_source=post...

*As an Arteza affiliate, I earn a small commission from sales of products at no extra costs for customers #Arteza

USE code CFDG when checking out at BLICK for free shipping on orders of $45 or more!!
10% OFF Arteza Promo Code: masse_art_studio1

Liquitex Gloss Medium available at https://www.dpbolvw.net/click-1002039...


Masse Art Studio is a member of the Decoart, Arteza, Amazon & Blick Affiliate program. As a DecoArt, Arteza & Blick Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

Music by Epidemic Sound


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