TDS Devs Remove Timescale Feature – A Major Setback for All Players

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Have the TDS devs lost their mind? I’ll admit, the ice event and its prequels were amazing, but now they’ve removed the timescale feature from Fallen and Intermediate, leaving it available only in Sandbox and Admin modes. So, what do they expect us to do now? Do they want us to abandon our real lives and grind endlessly just to level up?As someone who considers themselves at least a semi-pro (if not better), I’ve spent two years grinding to reach level 797 with 3098 wins and 438 losses. That’s 3536 games in total. The timescale feature allowed me to speed up my games and halve the grinding time while still requiring skill and strategy.

But now, it’s gone from Fallen, Intermediate, Molten Rework, and Easy modes, and I'm left wondering how TDS expects players to progress without it. Before the removal, I could finish a Fallen match solo in 15 minutes, an Intermediate in 6.30 minutes (using x2 timescale). But now, with timescale taken out, I’m facing double the grind times. And now with Sandbox and Admin modes, I’m left wondering if they even offer XP or coins. If they do, it almost feels like cheating – anyone can become level 1000 with invincibility and 100x timescale. It feels like all those hours spent grinding are now devalued. Why remove such a vital feature for players who actually want to enjoy the game and earn their progression?

I’m really hoping the devs rethink this decision. Let me know what you think about all this!


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