🇭🇷MiG-21bisD & Dassault Rafale F3-R C (Croatian Air Force) Symbolic Duty Handover (Full Version)

Описание к видео 🇭🇷MiG-21bisD & Dassault Rafale F3-R C (Croatian Air Force) Symbolic Duty Handover (Full Version)

🎧Za bolji zvučni doživljaj koristite slušalice
🎧Use headphones for better sound experience
0:00 Uvod-prelet u paru i razlaz (usporeno)
0:23 Rulanje prema polijetanju/Taxiing toward takeoff
6:10 Rafale F3-R C (polijetanje/takeoff)
6:45 MiG-21bisD (polijetanje/takeoff)
7:15 MiG-21bisD (letački program/flying display)
11:05 MiG-21bisD (brzi niski prelet sa forsažom/fast low flyby with afterburner)
11:49 Rafale F3-R C & MiG-21bisD (prelet u paru sa razlazom/flyby with brake)
12:21 Rafale F3-R C (letački program/flying display)
16:08 MiG-21bisD (rulanje nakon slijetanja sa padobranom/taxiing after parachute assisted landing)
17:23 Rafale F3-R C - MiG-21bisD (prelet/flyover)
17:39 MiG-21bisD ("poziranje" pred publikom/"posing" in front of the audience)
20:30 Rafale F3-R C-MiG-21bisD (rulanje nakon slijetanja/taxiing after landing)
22:30 MiG-21bisD & Rafale F3-R C ("poziranje" pred publikom/"posing" in front of the audience)
23:13 Rafale F3-R C & MiG-21bisD (taksiranje prema hangaru/taxiing towards the hangar)
25:24 Selekcija odabranih kadrova sa usporenom reprodukcijom - glazbeni video/Selectied scenes with slow motion playback - music video

🇭🇷Hrvatsko ratno zrakoplovstovo će u toku 2024. i 2025. biti opremljeno sa 12 višenamjenskih aviona Dassault Rafale (10 jednosjeda i 2 dvosjeda) . Avioni su kupljenii od Francuskoj kao rabljeni iz njihovog aktivnog sastava, a Hrvatskoj će služiti idućih do 40 godina. Prvih 6 je stiglo 25.04.2024. vojarnu “Pukovnik Marko Živković” u Velikoj Gorici. Samim time svaki preostali let MiG-a 21 je zanimljiv raritet za vidjeti jer to će uskoro postati povijest. Zajednički prelet sa Rafalom na neki način predstavlja simboličku predaju dužnosti čuvara hrvatskog neba sa jedne na drugu generaciju.

AIRVG2024 – Zrakoplovni dan u Velikoj Gorici
Pod pokroviteljstvom Vlade Republike Hrvatske dana 11. svibnja 2024. godine Grad Velika Gorica organizira događanje AIRVG2024 – Zrakoplovni dan u Velikoj Gorici, zrakoplovnu priredbu koja će se uz suorganizaciju Međunarodne zračne luke Zagreb te potporu Ministarstva obrane Republike Hrvatske – Hrvatskog ratnog zrakoplovstva, održati na Međunarodnoj zračnoj luci dr. Franjo Tuđman na prostoru tzv. starog terminala.

🇬🇧In 2024. and 2025., the Croatian Air Force will be equipped with 12 Dassault Rafale multipurpose aircrafts (10 single-seaters and 2 two-seaters). The planes were bought from France as used from their active fleet, and will serve Croatia for the next 40 years. The first 6 arrived on April 25, 2024. to the "Colonel Marko Živković" barracks in Velika Gorica. This alone makes every remaining flight of the MiG-21 an interesting rarity to see as it will soon become history. The joint flight with the Rafale in a way represents a symbolic handing over of the duties of guardian of the Croatian sky from one generation to the next.

AIRVG2024 – Aviation Day in Velika Gorica
Under the auspices of the Government of the Republic of Croatia, on May 11, 2024, the City of Velika Gorica is organizing the event AIRVG2024 - Aviation Day in Velika Gorica, an aviation event that will be held at the International Dr. Franjo Tuđman Airport in the area of the so-called of the old terminal.

The aim of this event is to promote aviation in Croatia and Velika Gorica as the "Aviation City", and the emphasis of this year's edition will be on the modernization of aviation and the promotion of calls for military pilots, aviation technicians and other professions in air transport.

With this organization, the City of Velika Gorica continues the "Aviation City" project, as part of which a "Charter of Friendship" was signed between the City of Velika Gorica and you entities from the aviation industry operating in the area of Velika Gorica. The signatories are the Croatian Air Force, Zagreb International Airport, Croatian Air Navigation Control, Zagreb Airport, Aviation Technical Center Velika Gorica, Croatia Airlines, Trade Air, Aviation Technical School "Rudolf Perešin", Polytechnic Velika Gorica, Aeroclub Velika Gorica and Velika Gorica Tourist Board.

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#airvg2024 #dassaultrafale #mig21


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