
Описание к видео #MillionsMissing

We invite you to scroll through a NEW virtual exhibit and experience this powerful demonstration for ME/CFS and Long COVID on our nation’s Mall at millionsmissing.org.

On May 12th, #MEAction set up 300 red-draped cots on the Mall beneath the nation’s iconic Washington Monument in demonstration of the millions of people living with myalgic encephalomyelitis – also known as chronic fatigue syndrome or ME/CFS – and Long COVID.

The ME/CFS community has quadrupled with the arrival of the pandemic to an estimated 9 million people in the U.S. – and counting! ME/CFS is a severe disease most commonly triggered by an infection.

Across the country, our communities sent in handmade pillowcases to display on the cots, sharing their story of life with ME/CFS and Long COVID, and hundreds took to social media to call for action. #MEAction held a press conference in front of the red cots to call on the government to TAKE URGENT ACTION.

Video description: The video encapsulates our demonstration on the Mall with photos of the 300 red cots, images of the handmade pillowcases and clips of speakers during the press conference.

#pwME #MyalgicEncephalomyelitis #MECFS #LongCovid #ChronicIllness #Spoonie #activism #WashingtonDC #StillSickStillFighting #MillionsMissing


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