【養和快問快答】拆解常見呼吸系統症狀之咳嗽 All about Coughs, A Common Respiratory Symptom - 林冰醫生(養和醫院呼吸系統科中心主任暨呼吸系統科專科醫生)

Описание к видео 【養和快問快答】拆解常見呼吸系統症狀之咳嗽 All about Coughs, A Common Respiratory Symptom - 林冰醫生(養和醫院呼吸系統科中心主任暨呼吸系統科專科醫生)

#咳嗽 是身體自我保護的反射動作,那麼乾咳、不同時段的咳嗽和不同顏色的痰又有何分別?呼吸系統科專科醫生 #林冰醫生 講解如何分辨不同的咳嗽和原因。

Coughing is a natural defensive reflex. What is a dry cough? What does coughing at different times of the day reflects and what does the phlegm colour mean? Dr. LAM Bing, Specialist in Respiratory Medicine will talk about the different types of coughs and their causes.

00:10咳嗽是甚麼?為甚麼會咳嗽?What is a Cough? Why Do We Cough?
01:14乾咳和有痰的咳有什麼分別?What are the differences between a dry cough and a cough with phlegm?
02:25不同顏色的痰有甚麼分別?What does the phlegm colour mean?
03:39痰液咳不出來,吞下去可以嗎?I cannot cough out the phlegm. Can I swallow it?
04:58痰中有血代表有肺癌?Is coughing up blood a symptom of lung cancer?
06:13早上咳、晚上咳或睡覺時咳的原因有分別嗎?In terms of causes, what are the differences between daytime coughing and nighttime coughing/coughing during sleep?

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