Wood Sample Preparation for Microscopic Analysis

Описание к видео Wood Sample Preparation for Microscopic Analysis

This demonstration was produced by the Department of Wood Science and Technology, University Ljubljana (Slovenia), in cooperation with the Slovenian Forest Institute and the Department of Geography and Regional Planning, University Zaragoza (Spain).

The film demonstrates how to process high-quality permanent thin sections for xylem and phloem formation studies following the embedding in paraffin methodology.

In contrast to the non-permanent method, demonstrated by Lena Wegner in her film "Micro-core Processing", this embedding in paraffin is a more time consuming process and requires specific equipment.

The script is based on the protocol written by Peter Prislan from the Department of Wood Science and Technology, University Ljubljana (Slovenia).

The film is produced by Peter Prislan et al. and edited by Hans Reijnen of R Media in association with the COST Action STReESS



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