Swarovski crystal figurine collection tour 2023, over 1100 figurines

Описание к видео Swarovski crystal figurine collection tour 2023, over 1100 figurines

Better late than never! A full Swarovski figurine collection tour of 2023.

Collection shortly: I received my first Swarovski figurine in 1997. My collection now has over 1150 "crystal creations" (as of 21st January 2024), although some of these contain more than one figurine. My husband and I do have other collections, but this is my favourite collection.

My biggest thanks this year (and probably next year as well!) goes to my lovely friend Brandy, who has helped me add so many items to my collection.

You can contact me at [[email protected]], though I might be a "bit" busy so don't expect a quick response. Please note that I don't answer pricing questions or financial offers (I've been known to send extremely rude and incredibly disgusting pictures found online to people who spam, but some scammers on Facebook might have enjoyed the sight of exposed and hairy male hindquarters at close proximity and high res). Also, please note that if I sound like I'm insulting your grandmother or second cousin, it might just the language barrier. If I insult your gran or second cousin in Finnish, that's deliberate and you've undoubtedly earned it.


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