بقايا السنين | حامد الظفيري |

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بقايا السنين ✨

كلمات : ياسر السليم
توزيع: عبدالعزيز الراشد

Instagram: https://instagram.com/hamid_althufiri...

Soundcloud:   / bshsqyv5ujmuafxda  

Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/1xNBW...

Twitter: https://twitter.com/hamid_althufiri?r...

بِفِكْرٍ شَغُوفٍ .. وقَلبٍ وَلُوعْ
"With passionate thoughts... and an ardent heart"

سألتُكَ يا سَاكِنًا في الضُّلوعْ:
"I asked you, O dweller in my ribs (heart)"

تُرَى يا صَدِيقيَ هل مِن رُجوعْ؟!
"I wonder, my friend, is there a come back ?ˮ

ففي الرُّوحِ شَوقٌ بَدا ، وحَنينْ
"For in the soul, a longing has appeared, and yearning."

حكَى عنكَ يا خِلُّ عُمرٌ مضَى
"Time that has passed spoke of you, dear friend".

ولمَّا ذكرتُكَ ؛ حَنَّ الفَضا
"And when I mentioned you, the heavens yearned"

ومُذْ لاحَ طَيفُكَ ، مُذْ أَوْمَضا
"And ever since your image appeared, since it flashed"

تجَلَّتْ بفِكْري بقايا السِّنينْ
"The remnants of the years manifested in my thoughts."

بقلبي مَقامُكَ طُولَ المَدى
"In my heart, your place endures forever."

وإنْ مَرَّ ذِكرُكَ يومًا ؛ شَدا
"And if your mention happens to pass by for a day, it would sing."

فلَنْ يَذهبَ الوُدُّ مِنَّا سُدى
"Then our affection will not go in vain."

سيَنمو ويَكْبُرُ في كُلِّ حِينْ
"It will grow and expand at all times."

سيَأبى الفِرَاقُ ويَحْنو الوداع
"Separation will refuse to occur, and farewell will be gentle."

ونَرجِعُ .. والسِّرُّ ليسَ يُذَاعْ
"And we will return, and the secret will not be divulged."

فـ بَعدَ الفِرَاقِ: شَتَاتٌ ضَيَاعْ
"So after the separation: scatteredness and

تعالَ لِنَحيا معًا .. آمِنينْ
"Come, let us live together ... in safety."


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