【8小時睡眠導入】忿怒嘿嚕嘎百字明【8hrs Sleep Import 】Heruka Vajrasattva Hundred Syllable Mantra

Описание к видео 【8小時睡眠導入】忿怒嘿嚕嘎百字明【8hrs Sleep Import 】Heruka Vajrasattva Hundred Syllable Mantra


金剛薩垛是集諸佛於一體,包括忿怒、寂 靜百尊,乃百部本尊之主,他的咒語百字 明普攝了一切本尊心咒的精髓,可以說是 咒中之王,具足虔誠地向金剛薩垛祈請並 念百字明咒,等於祈請一切本尊,念一切 本尊心咒。

"Heruka Vajrasattva Hundred Syllable Mantra" the Mantra can be heard, but to receive the empowerment corresponding to the chosen deity, oral transmission or empowerment is required, consult your own guru for guidance.

Vajrasattva encompasses all Buddhas in one, including wrathful and peaceful deities. He is the chief deity of the hundred principal deities. His mantra, the Hundred-Syllable Mantra, encapsulates the essence of all deity mantras, making him the king of mantras. By sincerely supplicating to Vajrasattva and reciting the Hundred-Syllable Mantra, it is equivalent to supplicating to all deities and reciting all deity mantras."


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