We all have to say goodbye sometimes.

Описание к видео We all have to say goodbye sometimes.

In this video we catch up with our housemates, Jack and Amelia, who are moving back to Tasmania.
They travelled in Jack’s work van for two months down through Utah, Arizona and California with LA being the last stop to drop the dog off at cargo and catch their flight home.
Since Jack was finished with the van, and being the legend that he is, he gifted it to our buddy Lukas.
The only catch for his free van is that Lukas had to fly down to LA (from Vancouver BC) to pick it up!
Lukas gladly accepted and is now getting to know his newly gifted rig.

After the airport drop and goodbyes, we spent three hours getting out of LA traffic to wake up just outside Palm Springs. Watch ahead to see what we get up too!


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