Digital Architecture Walks: Lower Westheimer Part 3

Описание к видео Digital Architecture Walks: Lower Westheimer Part 3

Join Preservation Houston's Architecture Walks Program for a look at the history and architecture of lower Westheimer Road. This segment centers on the area around Westheimer and Waugh Drive, which became one of Montrose's early retail hubs in the 1930s thanks in large part to construction of the Tower Theater and its adjacent shopping center.

Watch the other segments of the Lower Westheimer video tour:
• Part 1: Westheimer & Taft —    • Digital Architecture Walks: Lower Wes...  
• Part 2: Westheimer & Crocker —    • Digital Architecture Walks: Lower Wes...  
• Part 4: The Westheimer Curve —    • Digital Architecture Walks: Lower Wes...  


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