Tap IN to your IMAGINATION [NEW 2021]

Описание к видео Tap IN to your IMAGINATION [NEW 2021]

Alex teaches the most important Higher Faculty: The Imagination.

The imagination is the most marvelous, miraculous, and powerful force the world has ever known. Now, the imagination is the mental faculty out of which visions arise. Visions. Pictures that we build in our mind.
Most people don't use their imagination constructively. Most people use their imagination destructively - They imagine what they don't want.
We've got to consciously and deliberately imagine what we DO want.
Take a moment and sit down with a pen and ask yourself what do I really want? What do I really want? Write it down and make a written description of it in the present tense. Build a vision of what you would like to accomplish between now and the end of the year. And repetitively make a written description of that vision. Vision is going to direct your life if you let it. Use it constructively. SEE what you want. Don't spend any time 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙣𝙠𝙞𝙣𝙜 of what you want.

The imagination is the greatest creative faculty we possess. Yet most people claim they’re not creative. If you think or say that, stop it! You ARE a creative being. In fact, you are creating every moment of your life. You created your image of yourself, your present job, what’s in your bank account, and your relationships with your friends. You even create new cells and a new body every few months. Whether you’re aware of it or not, you are tapped into the energy of the creative flow of the universe. It’s literally flowing through you, and if you let it out, it will change your life in phenomenal ways.

Unfortunately, well-meaning adults may have stifled your imagination and creativity when you were a young child. Your parents or teachers may have told you to pay attention like they did to me. Or maybe they said you’d never be a lawyer, singer, entrepreneur, or whatever it was that you longed to be. You were a child so you obeyed them and believed what they said. And you learned to let your dreams go. But now you know better and you can go beyond them. You see, you’re divinely guided by Spirit at all times and Spirit is perfect. It makes no mistakes. When you have a strong desire to express or create something, know that the feeling is divine discontent. There is something in you that wants to grow. When a big idea comes to mind, you have the choice of keeping it alive by letting your imagination flow, or dismissing it and remaining stuck in fear. Trusting the perfection that resides within you is the key.

NEVER say or think you’re too old for anything. I’m in my 80s and I am setting new goals that stretch me all the time. I love to learn and do things I’ve never experienced. And I almost always achieve each goal. And do you know what I do to get there? I use my marvelous imagination! I see myself reaching the goal.

#AM #Imagination #NewVideo
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