Deep Litter Clean Out Inside Chicken Coop Hen House

Описание к видео Deep Litter Clean Out Inside Chicken Coop Hen House

Cleaning inside of hen house after 18 months of deep litter system. This video demonstrates how easy it is to clean out a Carolina Coop using the deep litter method. This coop could have gone another year before we had to clean it. The deep litter method allows you to maybe only have to clean out your hen house to your chicken coop once a year. We several clients that have gone longer than a year and still does not have to be cleaned. The deep litter method works because of all the beneficial microbes that compost the chicken droppings. When the deep litter system is implemented correctly there is absolutely not smell to the hen house. Also the deep litter system is a lot healthier for the chickens and acts as a great natural heat source in the winter time. Learn more at
Location Durham NC


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