Waterford Gardai LOVE Harrassing The Public 🇮🇪

Описание к видео Waterford Gardai LOVE Harrassing The Public 🇮🇪

Corrupt Irish Gardaí breaking multiple laws. They stopped me and tried to profile me for no reason. Then he came up with the "ongoing criminal investigation" excuse and tells me I can be arrested for refusing to give details even though the Spunout websites states 'In order to be arrested, the Gardaí must have a reasonable suspicion (this is a specific legal term) that you have broken the law. You can’t be arrested just because they believe you could help with another criminal investigation, unless the criminal investigation is to do with an offence under 'The Offences Against The State Act'.

One of the guards then tells me to put my hands out without giving any reason for detaining me and as I was trying to put my phone in my pocket he rips it out of my hand and turns off the recording. At 1:56 and 2:13 minutes into the video you can hear the other guard mention that I've just started recording after they explained everything which was complete lies and the reason he said it was because he thought his clown buddy deleted the footage I had from when he grabbed my phone.

Two minutes later they decide to detain me under section 23 misuse of drugs act with zero reasonable cause. Funny enough he only detained me when the phone was turned off , that's why I kept asking him why I was being detained, telling him I didn't understand and he was refusing to tell me because he knew the phone was back on and that threw the whole 'ongoing criminal investigation' bullshit out the window. Also refused to provide a badge number / identification when asked. A corrupt power trip of the finest order.

I know I should have tried to remain calm but its easier said than done. I have no problem complying with guards that act professionally and carry out their duty how they're suppose too. I'm not a scumbag, I've never been in trouble with the guards. I have rights and they are there to be used, not abused.

Look at the head of the fella on the left aswell. He looks like someone after coming down off cocaine the night before hand the eyes were hanging out of his head. He clearly has some serious problems going on in his personal life.


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