Rugen Cliffs is a German tourist attraction located in Jasmund National Park

Описание к видео Rugen Cliffs is a German tourist attraction located in Jasmund National Park

Rugen Cliffs is a German tourist attraction located in Jasmund National Park


The Rugen Cliffs, or chalk cliffs of Rügen, were formed about 70 million years ago during the Late Cretaceous period. Long and complex geological processes created these dramatic cliffs, which now rise more than 100 meters above the Baltic Sea. One of the most famous features is the Königsstuhl, or “King’s Throne,” which is the highest peak in the region.
The history of the Rugen Cliffs is also steeped in stories and legends. The cliffs have inspired many artists and writers, including the famous painter Caspar David Friedrich who immortalized the beauty of the cliffs in his famous painting, “Kreidefelsen auf Rügen” or “Chalk Cliffs of Rügen.” This painting helped popularize the Rügen cliffs and draw the world’s attention to their natural beauty.
Rügen is one of the most popular holiday destinations in Germany. The island receives about one quarter of all overnight stays in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. Most visitors come to Rügen between April and October, the peak season being from June to August, but its quiet atmosphere in winter is also appreciated. The first bathing facility on Rügen opened in 1794 at the mineral-rich spring in Sagard. In 1818, the Putbus village of Lauterbach became Rügen's first seaside resort. In the 1860s Sassnitz became a seaside resort, followed by Binz in the 1880s. During World War II Prora was constructed as a mass tourist resort but it was never finished. Today the most popular seaside resorts are the Schaabe beaches between Altenkirchen and Juliusruh including Drewoldke, Glowe and Breege, and the eastern beaches between Sassnitz and Göhren including Neu Mukran, Prora, Binz, Sellin and Baabe. The latter are accessible via an historic narrow gauge railway employing steam locomotives, called the Rügensche Bäderbahn. Tourist destinations, other than seaside resorts, include Cape Arkona, the wood-covered Stubbenkammer hills on Jasmund with interesting chalk cliff formations, the wood-covered Granitz hills with their Jagdschloß or hunting lodge, the classicist buildings of Putbus and the inland villages of Bergen auf Rügen, Ralswiek and Gingst.

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