One Life to Live 12/15/1988

Описание к видео One Life to Live 12/15/1988

Sarah visits Bo in the hospital, and she brings him a TV so they can watch Buster Keaton and Charlie Chaplin videos together while he recuperates. Leo tells Michael he’s worried that Roger’s article exposing his dig as a fraud will cause the Buchanans to ask questions and discover Christine is not Viki’s daughter. Michael gives Leo a box from his safe, which he’s kept for just such an occasion. Leo brings the box to Clint and says he’s certain the document in it is in Ben Franklin’s handwriting. Larry tells Brenda he’s concerned she is back at work too quickly. Larry also admits he’s re-examining Christine and Viki’s files because he’s skeptical that Christine is the child he delivered 25 years ago.

Asa greets Cord and Tina as they return to Llanview. Gabrielle tries to make amends with Tina by asking her to redesign the new interior for the hotel. Cord brings CJ down as Gabrielle is leaving, and Tina tells Cord she’s thinking of taking Gabrielle up on her offer.Wade and Mari Lynn eat at Angel Burgers; Wade tells Christine to go take the rest of the day off and go see Viki. Charlie tells Wade he’s leaving town and wants to give Wade his shares in Angel Burgers. Christine goes to Buchanan Manor to see Viki, but Tina tells her Viki isn’t available right now. Later, Bo tells Cord he’s not sure if there’s anything going on between him and Sarah, but he’s determined to find out. Larry visits Clint at The Banner and tells him Viki and Christine’s blood types don’t match. The two men agree they must find out Leo’s blood type to determine if Christine might still be Viki’s daughter. Michael reads in the paper that Lysander Clare, the man who hypnotized Viki to erase her memory of giving birth, and of Eterna, will be performing in New York. He makes arrangements to go to the show, in hopes of accessing Viki’s memory of the underground city’s entrance.


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