Transmissive LCD displays and reflective LCD displays technology explained

Описание к видео Transmissive LCD displays and reflective LCD displays technology explained

Transmissive LCD displays and reflective LCD displays technology explained

Please refer to Riverdi blog article:

'...Transmissive LCD displays
Now let us look at three different technologies used in monochrome displays, how the light is being transmitted, and how we see the image. The most standard and common display is the Transmissive LCD display, where we have transmission of the light from the backlight through the LCD, polarizer, LCD glass, the second polarizer, electrodes and the surface of the screen (black part on the picture). Transmissive LCD displays could be negative or positive, but the backlight in a transmissive LCD display needs always to be on.

Reflective LCD Displays
The next display type, also quite simple, is the Reflective LCD Display. In the most basic example this kind of display has no backlight at all. The example could be, again, a calculator, where we usually do not have the backlight and we just use the environmental light, which is being reflected. The environmental external light goes through the LCD and then it is being reflected on the mirror that is on the back of the screen and goes back. A variation of the reflective LCD display could be a reflective display with a frontlight. The frontlight gives us the added light that is being reflected on the mirror on the back of the screen...'

Transmissive LCD displays and reflective LCD displays technology explained

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Transmissive LCD displays and reflective LCD displays technology explained


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