Copywrite "The Lah" (Official Music Video)

Описание к видео Copywrite "The Lah" (Official Music Video)

Buy Copywrite's "Hot Iron" CD Maxi Single Here ::

In June 1992 Neal Stephenson wrote a novel called "Snow Crash" in which he coined the term "Metaverse". Later Ernest Cline further explored the concept with his work "Ready Player One". Yet, what is the "Metaverse" ?

You could define it as a simulated Universe that is accessible through the use of Augmented or Virtual Reality. With a combination of blockchain and social media that allows the content creator to make the environment more realistic.

What does this have to do with the artist known as Copywrite ? Great question, well Copywrite was extremely savvy by enlisting the expertise of Mack Lawerence who helped craft a "Metaverse" for Copywrite to inhabit. That world would need a musical backdrop and who better to provide that then regular collaborator Swab. Copy would also enlist Scratch Johnson to do the cuts on the song.

What was created? You are the ones who decide? Please enjoy and know that Copywrite's "The HIgh Exhaulted II" is coming 4/22/22 on Man Bites Dog Records


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