DeathWatch Attack! Clone Wars Stop-Motion

Описание к видео DeathWatch Attack! Clone Wars Stop-Motion

Coruscant under attack! Mandalorians of DeathWatch attack unsuspecting Clone Troopers in an attempt to retrieve something for their employer, Darth Sideous. It's up to Commander Fox and the men of the Coruscant Guard to repel the attack on the Republic's capital world.

Huge Thanks to everyone who helped on this project!
Republic Army 41- @republicarmy
Steve Vaszily- VaszilyUniverse
Jack Walsh- @galaxywidetrader
Jamie Batley- Clone Wars Stop Motion
Willie Solo- @willywonkasfigureuniverse

Karl Casey ‪@WhiteBatAudio‬

Samuel Kim- ‪@samuelkimmusic‬

(For Entertainment use only)

Character Profiles:

Fox- CC-1010 or Commander Fox served on Coruscant during the Clone Wars as commander of the Shock Troopers. Fox was bound by duty and honor to serve and protect Supreme Chancellor Sheev Palpatine as well as members of the Galactic Senate. Over the course of the war, Fox became one of the most highly decorated soldiers in the Republic Military.

Mouse- Clone Trooper “Mouse” was a more experienced clone trooper who was given the rank of Corporal by Commander Fox. Mouse served under the Coruscant Guard and didn’t see much action. He aided in the arrests of several lower level kingpins and gangsters. Mouse was only 1 year older than his shiney brothers like “Flak” but he had seen and done a lot more.

Flak- A younger clone trooper who was assigned to Coruscant directly after his training was finished. He never saw much action but he longed to be on the front lines one day.


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