PART 1 - DIY Indoor Table Top Pre-Compost Bin for Worm Bedding - HOW TO MAKE! RECIPE INCLUDED!

Описание к видео PART 1 - DIY Indoor Table Top Pre-Compost Bin for Worm Bedding - HOW TO MAKE! RECIPE INCLUDED!

Hello! I’ve been pre-composting my work bedding for quite awhile now. There’s several benefits to doing this - it gives worms a more natural bedding environment, provides a constant food source for the bins other than adding worm chow or vegetable scraps, and it’s kinda fun to do! Also this process can be done with little cost and not a lot of effort and time.
Pre-composted bedding is particularly useful in breeder bins. You don’t want to disturb your breeders. You want them calm, happy, eating effortlessly, and making the cocoons. Having a natural food source - micro biology - available to them all through your breeder bins is a great way to go to maximize cocoon production as much as possible.
The materials needed are few and simple. You may have many already on hand. The materials needed the most are shredded paper/cardboard and coffee grounds - both free for the asking at just about any store. Starbucks gives away the used coffee grounds as part of community outreach. I’ve only come across one that doesn’t participate and that was inside a Target store.
The last main ingredient is vegetable juice/liquid. You absolutely can use plain water but using vegetable juice ramps up the decomposition process. Anything you’d pour down the sink (that isn’t dairy, grease, that kind of thing) you should pot instead into a gallon jug and save in the fridge until you need to make compost. There’s a lot of options here if you think about it.
The last thing you need is a generous piece of fine mesh screening that will amply cover the top of your bin. I am experimenting with simply using a very large plastic bag instead of the screen but don’t know how that’s going to work yet!
The video gives step by step instructions to construct the indoor table top compost bin. Please follow along - maybe give it a try along with me! Please comment below, ask questions, etc. I’d love to hear from you!
Yours in the dirt,

#redwigglers #vermicompost #worms


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