王者荣耀 Past 28 : 早上醒来打王者荣耀的情况。(3输)(ZiHao子豪)

Описание к видео 王者荣耀 Past 28 : 早上醒来打王者荣耀的情况。(3输)(ZiHao子豪)


In Honor of Kings, sometimes you have to rush and fight. You have to learn all the parts, then you won't be afraid of playing any position in the future.

录制影片是用 (CameraFi Live)App下载的。

The video was recorded using the (CameraFi Live) App.
(This app is pretty good and can be used for live streaming)

#王者荣耀 #games #游戏 #对决 #pk #录屏 #recordingvideo


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