5 Minutes of Matt Hoover Saying Incriminating Things Begging the ATF to investigate Auto Key Cards.

Описание к видео 5 Minutes of Matt Hoover Saying Incriminating Things Begging the ATF to investigate Auto Key Cards.

I don't know how we would find out if Matt is an Informant but if he is Justin Ervin can get off the charges because of Entrapment. Matt being an informant the entire time is no different than an undercover officer coercing someone to commit a crime..ENTRAPMENT. Keep in mind, if it wasn't for Matt, Justin would have not been arrested and the proof is all over the court documents. Most hopeful outcome is that Defense puts matt on the stand and asks if he is an informant or working with the feds in some way. This trial must be broadcast in some form. If not.. I'm convinced it's to hide the fact Matt is and has been working with the Feds.


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