Gold smuggling: Incredible and sometimes hilarious methods of gold smugglers.

Описание к видео Gold smuggling: Incredible and sometimes hilarious methods of gold smugglers.

Gold smuggling is an art as much as a dare. Gold smugglers keep finding innovative and sometimes hilarious ways to bring this precious metal into India and have used similar modus operandi in Japan as well. When the Modi government raised import duty on gold to 10%, suddenly the smuggling that had once almost died down, resurfaced. This fun video brings you the economics of the process; the profit, the cost and the perils of getting caught and tells you about a hit movie inspired by the real life of a gold smuggler. Enjoy the limerick at the end.

Times of India; Ahmed Ali; June 7, January 30, 2018
PTI; May 3, 2018
Times of India, March 23, 2018
Business Line; Feb 6, 2018
Times of India; V.Narayan; Feb 14, 13, 2, 2018
Economic Times; Sutanuka Ghosal, June 25, 2018, Jan 18, 2018, October 3, 2017
Economic Times; Ram Sahgal; November 21, 2017
Times of India; Siddharth.Prabhakar; November 13, 2017
Times of India, Vijay V Singh; November 10, 2017
Firstpost; 2014

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Bisbo's Limerick:
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