A Green Beret’s Pocket Dump

Описание к видео A Green Beret’s Pocket Dump

Mike Glover, the owner of Fieldcraft Survival and an SOF veteran, shows you how a Green Beret does a pocket dump and why it’s important to stage your kit and to do a PCI, or pre-combat inspection, of all your gear before strapping it on each and every day.

It’s not just about making sure you aren’t missing any of your necessary EDC gear — it’s more about checking the functionality of all that gear on the regular so you know without a doubt that it will be 100% ready to rock if this is the day you should need it to. Glover even shows you how to perform a readiness check on your concealed-carry pistol and how to do a press check the right way, all without the muzzle clearing the holster — a process called admin loading.

“You should make [this] a habit and routine of your life. Why? Because it matters,” Glover says. "Life-saving gear on your person matters. You are your own first response, and you have the capability. And if you don’t take this serious — this world of everyday carry — serious, who’s gonna do it for you?”


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