
Описание к видео Nongqawuse

A heartfelt ballad exploring the tale of Nongqawuse, a young Xhosa prophet whose vision of liberation for her people culminated in their destruction.

In 1856, the 12 year old Nongqawuse made a prophecy that became a pivotal turning point in the history of Xhosa resistance against British colonialism.

She envisioned that if her followers killed their cattle and destroyed their grain stores, the British would be swept into the sea and all would be well again.

Lingering superstitions about the cause of the cattle lungsickness epidemic of 1854 propelled the prophecy. Hoping against hope that they might be delivered from colonial violence, believers killed hundreds of thousands of cattle, and burnt their grain crops and stores.

Instead of freedom, there came a terrible famine. Instead of departing, the British finally conquered Xhosa lands.

The song begs the question, "What happened to the Xhosa people's land and wealth?”


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