MWZ Scorcher flying 101

Описание к видео MWZ Scorcher flying 101

Pack scorcher to level 1 or higher (doesn’t make a difference for flying if lvl 1, 2 or 3, so save those crystals!)

Left hold for 3 jumps while pushing walk forwards

Once diving/free falling, pull shoot and cancel, then left hold and release the scorcher again and again to maintain flight.

The shorter the hold, the more frequent you need to do it, but the whole trip feels faster to me. If you hold too long, it will enter dive mode again and then you cannot use your scorcher so need to pull shoot and repeat.

If you get too high, it won’t let you do more than a tiny tap on the scorcher and you will start to drop back down as seen in this video. Only way to fix this is to loose some altitude, enter free fall and start again.

Hope this helps and LMK if you have any questions!


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