hd549 S5E49 Halo on HoloLens and Working in Microsoft HoloLens Division

Описание к видео hd549 S5E49 Halo on HoloLens and Working in Microsoft HoloLens Division

Hell Difficulty
– Podcast Book on Tape –

‘Hell Has No Place for The Righteous’

A Modern-Day Quixotic Adventure Blending Reality and Fantasy
A life’s journey of hubris to loss in defense of humanity…

Judge the Fulcrum,
As the Fulcrum Shall Judge Thee

Dedicated to my inspiration, true love, and personal Angel,
my Wife, and to my supportive and brilliant daughter.

HELL DIFFICULTY book, story, characters, content, podcast copyright © 2021-2023 Richard Seaborne. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED!

HELL DIFFICULTY is a work of fiction. Any similarities to real-world to persons, organizations, or beliefs is entirely coincidental and not intended as a real-world people, entities, or narrative.


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