GeoField 2023, Day 2, Session 4a Panel Discussion Organized by Mathematica

Описание к видео GeoField 2023, Day 2, Session 4a Panel Discussion Organized by Mathematica

The GeoField 2023 Convening, held at the headquarters of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations in Rome, Italy, brought together 100 experts in impact evaluation, Earth Observation (the use of technologies and techniques to monitor planet Earth remotely, often from space), and development program implementation.

Panel Discussion Organized by Mathematica

Tulika Narayan (Mathematica)
Juan Bonilla (AIR)
Tomoko Harigaya (Precision Development)
Johanne Pelletier (Standing Panel on Impact Assessment)
Sean Luna McAdams (CEGA, UC Berkeley)
Anthony D'Agostino (Mathematica)
Moderator: Tulika Narayan (Mathematica)

This panel discussions brings together evaluators, remote sensing experts, data science experts to elucidate the key challenges faced by evaluators in the use of remote sensing to measure agricultural outcomes and resilience; discuss some of the best practices, tools, and data sources that can resolve those challenges; and contribute to longer-term efforts through GeoField to consolidate guidance materials and recommendations to effectively integrate satellite data in resilience-focused research.

GeoField stands for "Geospatial Earth Observation For Impact Evaluation Learning and Development". It's a partnership to make impact evaluations and climate sensitive agriculture more effective through Earth observation. Learn more at


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