A Christmas surprise for an entire family from a Secret Santa

Описание к видео A Christmas surprise for an entire family from a Secret Santa

A Secret Santa is back and this Christmas is bigger than ever!

The EastIdahoNews.com team is busy helping a local man gift more than $500,000 this holiday season. A lot more. Secret Santa is a real person who wants to remain anonymous and hopes to help as many individuals in our community as he can.

Michelle is a single mom doing her best to care for her children. Three of the four children were born with autism. Her oldest autistic son, Brandon, passed away a few years ago.

Michelle works at Excellence in Everyone - a business that helps handicapped children and adults. Her son, Ethan, only eats McDonald's chicken patties. She has to buy them buy by the case. He does not eat any other food. Ethan is nonverbal and loves to watch Disney movies on his Ipad.

Paige is autistic but can communicate. She loves to sing, is in school plays and is able to write letters. She mails notes to several friends in the community and uses lots of paper and postage stamps.

Michelle doesn't ask for anything. She takes care of others and that is what makes her happy. Michelle's mother, Mary, lives with them to help with the kids.

The family has several needs, including new furniture. Secret Santa wanted to wish them a Merry Christmas and asked the East Idaho News elves to visit with gifts for everyone in the family. Watch the video above to see the surprise!


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